Alisi - News RSS feed Web description 1741754615 Publication in Nature Communications Fri, 18 Jan 2019 08:09:01 GMT <p>Publication of Transverse spin forces and non-equilibrium particle dynamics in a circularly polarized vacuum optical trap in Nature Communications.</p> <p>** Spinning Light **</p> <p>Anyone who has ever played tennis or football soon found out that the rotating ball (s) is flying over completely unexpected tracks. This rotation of the object around its own axis can occur in the wild and in the laboratory in an unexpected way, from the rotation of the Earth by the riverbed to the possibility of detecting tumors in the brain by means of magnetic resonance based on the rotation of the atomic nuclei. Similarly, light particles – photons can behave. For many years, it has been known that light can act with noticeable force on very small objects (with a diameter from tens of nanometers to a tenth of a millimeter) and trap them in a light trap. Last year, half of the Nobel Prize for Physics was awarded to 96-year-old Arthur Ashkin, who demonstrated this principle of so-called optical tweezers and successfully exploited them, especially in biology. Recent advanced experiments conducted at the Institute of Instrumentation of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in Brno have shown that the use of photons with their own rotation (the so-called circularly polarized light) results in dramatically different behavior of the particles captured in the optical tweezers.</p> <p>In their experiments, scientists have created a light trap in a vacuum where there is much less resistance to the environment, and objects can move much faster. Since Arthur Ashkin's first experiments, it is known that when photons are captured using photons without their own rotation, particles in the trap will be held more strongly in the vicinity of the light trap if we increase the number of photons. But scientists from Brno used photons with their own rotation and found the opposite behavior. The particle does not remain in the light trap, but tends to circle around it in orbit, the radius of which increases with the increasing number of photons. The difficult-to-use self-rotation of photons is thus transformed into cyclic mechanical motion of the particle. This work was recently published in the prestigious Nature Communications magazine and responds to deep questions about light diffusion and opens up new experimental paths to light-powered micromotors or new, more sensitive sensors.</p> <!-- by Texy2! --> Optical traps in the style of "Ghost Busters" will allow the study of living cells Sun, 02 Dec 2018 10:29:43 GMT <p>The international team of scientists has managed to create optical traps similar to miniaturized proton clusters from „Spirits of the Ghosts“ that allow the manipulation of microscopic objects as well as the study of cell mechanics and bio-molecules deep within living tissues.</p> <p><br /> <a href=""></a></p> Brno scientists introduced a new type of image-transferring fiber Sun, 02 Dec 2018 10:23:36 GMT <p>The international team of scientists led by Professor Tomáš Čižmár has published a new discovery in the field of holographic endoscopy in the world-renowned physical journal Physical Review Letters. The findings are particularly useful in medicine, for example biopsy.</p> <p><br /> <a href="">…t.120.233901</a><br /> <a href="">…-fasern.html</a><br /> <a href=""></a></p> Researchers from Brno are new lifesaving medical technology Sun, 02 Dec 2018 10:20:03 GMT <p>The American Patent of Original Technology for Physicians was acquired by scientists from the Institute of Instrumentation of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, the International Center for Clinical Research at the University Hospital at St. Anny in Brno (FNUSA-ICRC) and M &amp; I Praha. The new technology is able to determine the electrical activation of the heart chambers and measures milliseconds to measure their mutual delays.</p> <p><br /> <a href=""></a><br /> <a href=""></a><br /> <a href=""></a><br />  <a href=""></a></p> Conference LASER 58 Mon, 09 Jul 2018 11:35:23 GMT <p><br /> <img src="images/zh-trest.jpg" alt="" /><br /> <br /> <img src="images/la58.png" alt="" style="float:left" /><br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> October 17 – 19, 2018, Castle Hotel Třešť</p> <h1></h1> <div><br /> </div> <p>„From the fine work of the low-power lasers to the elephants, the power of those high-powered, all at one conference, this year celebrates the world's invention of the laser for 58 years …“</p> <div><br /> </div> <p>We invite you to take part in the eighth edition of the LASER conference. This is an event where experts meet from the public and private spheres, who are professionally engaged in lasers and are interested in gaining contacts and information across different disciplines and approaches.<br /> <br /> The conference pages are <a href="//">…laser-58http</a><br />  <br /> </p> Conference LASER 56 Fri, 06 May 2016 11:46:34 GMT <p>–</p> Conference LASER 55 Tue, 29 Sep 2015 17:00:23 GMT <h1><strong>LASER 55</strong> <img src="images/logo-laser55m.jpg" alt="Image logo-laser55m.jpg" style="float:right" /></h1> <div><br /> </div> Laser 1963 Thu, 02 Oct 2014 13:17:38 GMT <p>We are sorry. There is no english</p> Conference LASER 54 Tue, 10 Jun 2014 07:22:11 GMT <p>…</p> The most important outcome of basic research comes from Brno Wed, 28 May 2014 08:40:57 GMT <p>The work of scientists from the ALISI Brno Institute of Scientific Instruments ASCR was awarded as most important outcome of basic research.</p>