

Laying the foundation stone of ALISI laboratories

20.4. 2010 12:47 What is going on

On 19 April 2010 ceremonious laying the foundation stone of ALISI laboratories took place in the lecture hall of the Institute of Scientific Instruments of the ASCR, v.v.i. and thus the implementation of ALISI project has been officially started. Many important guests, headed by the chairman of the Academy of Science of the Czech Republic took part in the happening.

The stone was laid by the chairman of Academy of Science of the Czech
Republic , prof. Ing. Jiří Drahoš, DrSc. dr.h.c.; the delegate of the
Minister of Education, Youth and Sports, Dr. David Uhlíř; the deputy
governor of the South Moravian Region, Mgr. Václav Božek, CSc.; member of the Scientific Council of the ASCR, Ing. Ilona Müllerová, DrSc.; and
the vice-rector of the Masaryk University , prof. MUDr. Ivan Rektor,
CSc., and the vice-rector of the Brno University of Technology, prof.
RNDr. Michal Kotoul, DrSc.. In their speeches they all declared deep
satisfaction with the success of the project and wished good luck during its implementation.

The proceeding was opened by press conference, in the presence of
press, TV and radio agents. As a consequence many information on
the ALISI project could be found in many Czech journals. See News.


Předseda AV ČR prof. Ing. Jiří Drahoš, DrSc. dr.h.c., zástupce MŠMT Dr. David Uhlíř

the chairman of Academy of Science of the Czech Republic, prof. Ing. Jiří Drahoš, DrSc. dr.h.c.; the delegate of Minister of Education, Youth and Sports, Dr. David Uhlíř

Zástupkyně ředitele ALISI Ing. Ilona Mullerova a náměstek hejtmana Jihomoravského kraje Mgr. Václav Božek, CSc.

the deputy governor of the South Moravian Region, Mgr. Václav Božek, CSc.; member of the Scientific Council of the ASCR, Ing. Ilona Müllerová, DrSc.

Prorektor Masarykovy univerzity prof. MUDr. Ivan Rektor, CSc. s prorektorem VUT prof. RNDr. Michal Kotoul, DrSc

the vice-rector of the Masaryk University, prof. MUDr. Ivan Rektor, CSc. with the vice-rector of the Brno University of Technology, prof. RNDr. Michal Kotoul, DrSc.

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