News in category What is going on
18.1. 2019 09:09
What is going on
Publication of Transverse spin forces and non-equilibrium particle dynamics
in a circularly polarized vacuum optical trap in Nature Communications.
** Spinning Light **
Anyone who has ever played tennis or football soon found out that the
rotating ball (s) is flying over completely unexpected tracks. This rotation of
the object around its own axis can occur in the wild and in the laboratory in an
unexpected way, from the rotation of the Earth by the riverbed to the
possibility of…
2.12. 2018 11:29
What is going on
The international team of scientists has managed to create optical traps
similar to miniaturized proton clusters from „Spirits of the Ghosts“ that
allow the manipulation of microscopic objects as well as the study of cell
mechanics and bio-molecules deep within living tissues.
2.12. 2018 11:23
What is going on
The international team of scientists led by Professor Tomáš Čižmár has
published a new discovery in the field of holographic endoscopy in the
world-renowned physical journal Physical Review Letters. The findings are
particularly useful in medicine, for example biopsy.…t.120.233901…-fasern.html
2.12. 2018 11:20
What is going on
The American Patent of Original Technology for Physicians was acquired by
scientists from the Institute of Instrumentation of the Academy of Sciences of
the Czech Republic, the International Center for Clinical Research at the
University Hospital at St. Anny in Brno (FNUSA-ICRC) and M & I Praha. The
new technology is able to determine the electrical activation of the heart
chambers and measures milliseconds to measure their mutual delays.
9.7. 2018 13:35
What is going on

October 17 – 19, 2018, Castle Hotel Třešť
„From the fine work of the low-power lasers to the elephants, the power of
those high-powered, all at one conference, this year celebrates the
world's invention of the laser for 58 years …“
We invite you to take part in the eighth edition of the LASER conference.
This is an event where experts…
6.5. 2016 13:46
What is going on
29.9. 2015 19:00
What is going on
2.10. 2014 15:17
What is going on
We are sorry. There is no english
10.6. 2014 09:22
What is going on
28.5. 2014 10:40
What is going on
The work of scientists from the ALISI Brno Institute of Scientific
Instruments ASCR was awarded as most important outcome of basic research.
6.3. 2014 10:21
What is going on
What scientific research institutions in the capital of Moravia and what
projects are in them arise, inform the new exhibition Research for Innovation in
Urban center of the Old Town Hall in Brno. There will be from 18 February to
21.2. 2014 12:49
What is going on
Price Kapsch (Invention) Ing. Ilona Müller, Dr. Sc. from the Institute of
Scientific Instruments AS CR, Brno award was given for long-term and systematic
research on electron microscopes.
21.2. 2014 11:06
What is going on
Institute of Scientific Instruments of the Academy of Sciences opens 7th and
8 November laboratory to the public. Open Days will be held here at the
festival Science and Technology Week, organized by the Academy of Sciences. This
year, with the subtitle: Fascination with the world.
5.9. 2013 09:46
What is going on
For information about the conference LASER 53 and registration see
6.3. 2013 14:34
What is going on
On 30th May 2013 the Inauguration of Application Laboratories
ALISI is being held in the main lecture hall of the Institute of Scientific
Instruments, Kralovopolska 147, Brno.
More information and entry form please find out here.
With regard to the capacity of the hall and other spaces we prefer participation
by invitation.
11.3. 2012 07:43
What is going on
Ústav přístrojové techniky a ALISI se stali partnery OPTONIKY, veletrhu
optické a fotonické techniky, která je součástí hlavní akce AMPER
2012. Veletrh se pořádá ve dnech 20. 3. – 23. 3. 2012 na brněnském
14.7. 2011 11:39
What is going on
Alejandro Vásquez Arzola (31) became a new member of ALISI’s research
team at the beginning of June. This young scientist comes from Oaxaca, Mexico
and started his scientific career at the National Autonomous University of
Mexico. Since 2004 he deals with the issues of Optical Micromanipulation,
Nanotechnologies and Diagnostic Methods. He visited Institute of Scientific
Instruments in 2009 as an intership and since the end of 2010 was ISI trying
to cooperate with this scientist here in Brno. …
2.3. 2011 10:50
What is going on
Trade Fair of Optical and Photonic Technology, 29. 3. – 1. 4. 2011
(AMPÉR2011, Brno Exhibition Grounds)
3.12. 2010 15:32
What is going on
Based on positive public acceptance of the czech brochure, completed czech
version of the Handbook of application capacities of the Institute of Scientific
Instruments of the ASCR, v.v.i. was edited recently.
Just like the english one, the publication contains large scale of research
topics which produce applicable R&D results. More, it was completed with
more details on elestron microscopy and electron litography and on new chapters
about NMR and measuring a processing of biosignals.
5.11. 2010 09:04
What is going on
V rámci nejrozsáhlejšího vědeckého festivalu v České republice
nazvaného Týden vědy a
techniky budou ve dnech 4. a 5. listopadu v ÚPT probíhat Dny
otevřených dveří. Pro zájemce se tím nabízí jedinečná příležitost
osobně se seznámit s výzkumnou činností pracovníků ÚPT a vznikajícího
centra ALISI a nahlédnout do laboratoří, v nichž vznikají jejich
unikátní výsledky.
Dny otevřených dveří budou mít formu 90-ti minutových…
22.10. 2010 11:50
What is going on
V souvislosti s realizací projektu ALISI budou již v nejbližších
dnech zahájeny stavební práce v areálu ÚPT. Ty naváží na aktuálně
probíhající přípravu staveniště a přilehlých prostor.
V rámci stavebních prací dojde k rozšíření laboratoří magnetické
rezonance a vybudování nového objektu laboratoří technologií o celkové
ploše 1 583 m2. Realizace stavebních prací bude podle plánovaného
harmonogramu ukončena do konce roku 2012.
Pro další informace sledujte aktuality na našich www stránkách. …
21.10. 2010 15:36
What is going on
Ve dnech 4. – 6. října 2010 se v prostorách zámeckého hotelu
v Třešti konala konference LASER50. Příležitostí k jejímu
uspořádání bylo letošní padesáté výročí objevu laseru. Vzhledem
k pozitivní odezvě účastníků je již nyní v plánu uspořádat další
Více informací o konferenci naleznete v naší tiskové
4. – 6. října 2010,
Zámecký hotel Třešť
9.8. 2010 15:20
What is going on
On 29 July 2010, a subject of „Milénium“, a futurologic magazine
televised by the Czech television, was optical traps and optical tweezers.
Because ISI is one of the top czech laboratories focused on this activities,
prof. Pavel Zemánek, Ph.D., the leader of Optical micromanipulation techniques
group, took part in live studio. There are many talks to members of the group
and lots of examples of their work in the programme.
Optical micromanipulation techniques are one of the subjects…
19.7. 2010 10:22
What is going on
Based on positive public acceptance of the czech brochure, new english
version of the Handbook of application capacities of the Institute of Scientific
Instruments of the ASCR, v.v.i. was edited recently.
Just like the czech one, the publication contains large scale of research
topics which produce applicable R&D results. More, it was completed with
more details on elestron microscopy and electron litography and on new chapters
about NMR and measuring a processing of biosignals.
If you…
1.7. 2010 11:00
What is going on
Od 26. 4. 2010 až do 17. 6. 2010 předkládaly firmy v rámci druhé
výzvy žádost o inovační voucher v hodnotě až 150 000 Kč.
Celkem se v letošní výzvě se sešlo 136 žádostí, z nichž po kontrole
požadovaných kritérií do slosování postoupilo 109. Mezi nimi bylo
i 7 žádostí, u nichž jako poskytovatel znalostí figuroval Ústav
přístrojové techniky AV ČR, v.v.i. Ten se tak v ukončené výzvě stal
mezi čtyřmi zástupci Akademie věd ústavem s největším aplikačním
Ve slosování,…
13.5. 2010 12:41
What is going on
Od 26.4.2010 až do 17.6.2010 mohou firmy v české republice podat
žádost o inovační voucher v hodnotě až 150 000 Kč.
Inovační vouchery jsou unikátním nástrojem podpory spolupráce
podniků s brněnskými vědecko-výzkumnými institucemi. Jde
o jednorázovou účelovou dotaci až do výše 150 000 Kč určenou
na nákup znalostí od zástupců výzkumné sféry v Jihomoravském
Systém podpory prostřednictvím Inovačních voucherů je inspirován
podobným nástrojem, který funguje v Holandsku, Irsku a…
20.4. 2010 12:47
What is going on
On 19 April 2010 ceremonious laying the foundation stone of ALISI
laboratories took place in the lecture hall of the Institute of Scientific
Instruments of the ASCR, v.v.i. and thus the implementation of ALISI project has
been officially started. Many important guests, headed by the chairman of the
Academy of Science of the Czech Republic took part in the happening.
The stone was laid by the chairman of Academy of Science of the Czech
Republic , prof. Ing. Jiří Drahoš, DrSc. dr.h.c.;…
29.3. 2010 10:22
What is going on
The implementation team prepares an opening session of ALISI laboratories
nowadays. The tapping on a foundation-stone will take place in the lacture hall
of ISI on 19th April 2010 at 11:00. Towards preparation works promis an
interesting program and an original shape of this outstanding event.
Many prominent persons are expected, i.a. the Presidnet of the AS CR, the
Governor of the South Moravian Region and the Mayor of the brno city.
Representatives of R&D institutes, universities and…
17.3. 2010 15:09
What is going on
Representatives of Ministery of Education, Youth and Sports visited ISI 9th
March 2010. A group of eight project and finance managers and civil engineers
was led by the head of RDIOP projects administration Ing. Jiri Korinek. They met
the ALISI implementation team and visited the places of project
The visit was welcome by the director of ISI RNDr. Ludek Frank, DSc. and the
director of ALISI prof. Pavel Zemanek. They briefly introduced the project and
organized a visit to…
10.2. 2010 11:31
What is going on
1.1.2010 – the implementation of the ALISI project started.
The goal of ALISI is to establish modernly equipped center focused on
invention of new devices, systems, diagnostic methods and technologies dealing
with magnetic resonance tomography, laser interferometry and spectroscopy,
acquisition and processing of biosignals, electron microscopy and lithography,
electron or laser beam welding, magnetron sputtering, and cryogenics.
30.1. 2010 18:54
What is going on
24.11 2009 Minister of Education youth and sports Dr. Miroslava Kopicová
signed the Decision on the award of the grant from Research and Development for
Innovations Operational Programme to the ISI projet entitled Application
laboratories of advanced microtechnologies and nanotechnologies (ALISI).
Up to now only four projects have been supported out of 44 applications.